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World Missions Outreach

Birthday: April 11

Age: 7 Years Old

Favorite Animal: Eagle

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Subject: Calligraphy

Siblings: 1 Sister

"My favorite thing to do is spend time with my family."


Joel Abel Lopez

Sponsor: Kristina Byerly

Happy Valentines - 2017

1st Day of 2nd grade! Jan 6, 2017

Joel receiving his Christmas gifts from Kristina! He couldn't wait to open his toy car, but he said he had to wait till he got home so it didn't get lost!

1st Day of Chapel & Classes Jan 6, 2017

Can't wait to see you again Kristina! - 2017

To cool for school! - 2017

Joel wearing Harry's sunglasses!

Check out our Salvation bracelets we made with the Atlanta mission team!

Joel giving Kristina flowers at WMO Chapel

You can never have to many gifts!

A Flower for you!

Kristina Washing Joels feet and giving him a new pair of shoes

Learning what the meaning behind the Salvation bracelet is with the Atlanta Mission Team

Free Hugs!

Making Salvation Bracelets

Fun after Chapel

Best Friends!


Joel and Kristina at the Mission

Leaving his hand print on the school wall! - 2016

Lunch at the Mission House

Foot washing and new shoes with his sponsor

So much blue candy!!!

Time for Art Class

1st Day of 1st Grade - January 2016

Pre School Graduation 2015

WMO Students learning agriculture by growing their own garden

Pensacola Pastor, Shawn York, Speaking to WMO Students

WMO 1st Futbal Game

WMO 1st Day of Chapel

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