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World Missions Outreach

Birthday: June 12

Age: 11 Years Old

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Subject: Language

Siblings: 2 sister & 2 brothers

"I am very happy to be able to go to school and learn so much about everything. I am always excited to have a birthday every year!"

Fernanda Monge

Sponsor: Pastor Lloyd

Happy Valentines Day 2017

1st Day of 6th Grade

1st Day of Chapel & Classes

1st Day of Chapel & Classes


Time for fun with the WI Mission Team

Time for chapel

Time for chapel

Fun with Lindsay from Canada Christian College's Mission Team

Fun with Noah from our Atlanta Mission Team

Can you find their handprints?

Can you find their handprints?

New Shoes from our App State Mission Team

Fun at the Mission house

Fun at the Mission house

Field Trip!

Field Trip!

Christmas gifts from her sponsor

Class Time

Class Time

Taking notes at Chapel

Taking notes at Chapel

2nd week of school at chapel

2nd week of school at chapel

2015 - 4th Grade

2015 - 4th Grade

Hanging out with Lindsay!

Hanging out with Lindsay!

Fun in Class

Fun in Class

1st day of Chapel 2015

1st day of Chapel 2015

Christmas Party

Christmas Party

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